Fabulous Freebies

to support your spiritual path

what type of mystic are you?

What Type of Mystic Are You? eBook

Ever wondered why some spiritual practices feel uplifting and natural while other methods that inspire your best friend leave you flat and unsatisfied? It all has to do with what type of mystic you are!

Your mystical nature is a magical combination of your innate qualities, soul characteristics, and personal interests that make you unique. And how you best shine your inner light depends on your most natural inclinations and talents.

No matter what type of mystic you are, all mystics realize that their human journey is also a soul journey. While you grow and evolve as a person, your soul is transforming. This holistic approach to living is deeply grounded in the sacred and exploring the inner journey. A modern mystic chooses to embody their spiritual nature while being human. Download the ebook to find out more about your mystical nature!

connect with your soul

Connect To Your Soul Mini-Course

Transform Your Life with this Mystical Practice!

In this free mini-course, I share how I receive my intuitive information and guidance. It’s a simple spiritual practice you can use right away!

You’ll receive a video, in which I explain my daily routine of connecting with my soul and what I do with the guidance I receive. It’s a beautiful, easy practice that immediately lets you feel harmony with your soul.

Plus, I created a PDF of the steps you can download to remind you how to connect with your soul and make that connection real in your life.

28 days of creating

28 Days Of Sacredness

Many people I work with are seeking ways to embrace their sacred connection daily. Maybe you too? If you are yearning to feel more connected to your Vibe Tribe, Soul, and to Source, check out these ideas to make room for the sacred in your everyday life.

It’s an easy and flexible plan. You may surprise yourself with what resonates with you. Feel free to follow the pattern I have created here or skip around. It’s up to you. You know what works.

mindful magic

Mindfulness Magic

Mindfulness is magical! A kind of everyday magic that is available all the time and anywhere for everyone. The magic of mindfulness can change your life in powerful ways.

I created the Mindfulness Magic: Easy Action Plan to Jump Start the Day so you can begin your day with a plan to feel exactly how you want to feel. Beginning your day with a powerful intention is magnetic. It will draw things to you that match how you want to feel. You’ll notice the world reflects what you are feeling on the inside. And, if or when you get distracted from your original intention, you’ll have mantras and suggestions that you created to help you get back on track.

michele sammons iphone flowers

Guided Meditation

Meditation can open the door to realms, frequencies, vibrations, guides, and knowing.

Receive a free guided meditation to be gently led on an internal journey to connect with your Soul-the eternal, timeless part of you.

soul food videos

Soul Food Videos: Soul to Soul Nourishment

From time to time I offer tiny spiritual pep talks. Here you can find my latest videos!

Explore my soulful offerings

michele sammons the free flourish membership

The Free Flourish Membership

michele sammons readings and mentoring sessions

Readings and Mentoring Sessions

michele sammons books & products

Books & Products

michele sammons learn at your own pace

Learn at your Own Pace